I really enjoyed this Study task, being a fine artist it was great to draw motion in this way.
My drawings of someone flowing through a space;

My sketches seemed very abstract compared to many who drew the actions in stick forms, very mechanical. I feel mine have a lot of vigor, you can feel the motion jumping off the page at you. Even if you can't see clearly the motion that is being undertaken, In my opinion I have captured the motion of the human form very well, my drawings are definitely humanoid in nature.
Here are my squash and stretch drawings;
I found it very difficult to fill the whole of the A2 paper on this task, considering the limited seconds we have to sketch, but still I feel I have captured the squash and stretch movement well especially in my last drawing with the walking squash and stretch movement, I feel I have captured the leg, body and head movements very well to demonstrate the stretching and squashing.
For the next set of drawings we had 10 minutes to sketch, 10 minutes demonstrating a push/pull motion, for this we had longer to labour over and therefore create more detailled drawings.
For this I used a mixture of blue and black ink applied with a square brush to give an angular effect. I like how I have captured her proportions and I love the pose in general with her hair hanging down, it looks very sinister like she is pushing herself up off the table and is about to reveal her face.. Whic you expect to be scary.
My pen marks in this pose add energy to the pulling motion, like I have drawn mid movement when in reality the movement was paused.
You can feel the tension in the legs in this pose that I have captured, reinforcing the force of pushing the table.
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