Sunday 25 October 2015

My Pixilation Progress Storyboard...

For this pixilation I will need a lot of food, and in the process, a lot of food will be wasted. I find it disgusting how much food we waste as a nation, and how much food we have in comparison to lesser economically developed countries. So I feel with this, I will be making a statement almost, how I have the potential to just go out and buy all this food and waste it, whereas someone in Africa dies of starvation. I will be really highlighting how much of a twisted world we live in.

I firstly planned out my storyboard on post its:

Then I created thumbnails in my sketchbook:

Storyboard 1
Storyboard 2
Storyboard 3

Storyboard 4

Storyboard 5

What I found different with storyboarding a pixilation was the fact that there are no camera pans, as its comprised entirely of still frames. So all I had to consider were a variety of shots. However I wanted the main focus central in order to make such an impact with how the food progresses onto the human, so my shot variety isn't great, but to achieve the certain desired effects I had to sacrifice that.

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