Sunday 25 October 2015

You Are What You Eat - My finished pixilation and reflection

My pixilation is finally finished, I have named it "You are what you eat", a common catchphrase that I have taken and used it in a comedic literal sense as in my video, the person literally becomes consumed by the food itself.

I am happy with my pixilation, I went through quite a few stages of hating it and thinking it looks rubbish but the end result has surpassed my expectations! With the addition of SFX it has come into its element and looks rather effective. I love how flickery it is, if it was all smooth and realistic then It would definitely not look as good, it is quirky. The flickery effect almost makes it look old fashioned and intensifies the humour dramatically, the audience are instantly aware it isn't a serious piece of live action, the SFX show this too.

Beneath all the humour I feel I also demonstrate a serious image. In the process of making this animation I had to waste a lot of food, and I hate wasting food so this whole process was disgusting to me. I was making the message of how I have the capabilities to waste all this food, whilst people in lesser economically developed countries die of starvation. I wanted to make a statement how we waste so much food as a nation, by wasting all this food for the sake of an animation.

Just a small example of the food that got wasted.

My pixilation can be enjoyed by all audiences, I have already shown it to a wide variety of people from 6 years old to 50 years old and everyone has been most amused by it, which is exactly what I wanted to achieve! I also got comments like "Oh my gosh all that food, what did you do with it afterwards?" which is also an example of also my serious message being projected, a lot found it striking. But then again, this is what the majority of our bins look like at home. 

If I had more time I would of took more time and care into my photographing, differentiated between shots more affectively and made sure I was happy with each photo I took and that they were all in focus and everything, instead of being slightly rushed with time. What I find most effective is the SFX, they really bring it to life and intensify the humour because of how exaggerated they are, which is brilliant. I also love some of the movements I have achieved, like how I bring the banana to life, and make it crawl across the table towards the prey. I also would of completely covered the person in food, which would of been most shocking to see!

What stands out the most is how humorous it is. What also is humorous is the whole ideology behind it, how as humans we are the prime predator, suddenly when that role is reversed and our own inanimate food is starting to consume is, it is highly comical. 

In the production I used Photoshop video, Quicktime 7 Pro and Premiere Pro to render and stitch together my film.

SFX Credits:
About: Blop or pop high pitch sound. maybe a bottle opening or suction cup. created by mark diangelo.
Uploaded: 03.27.13 | License: Attribution 3.0 | Recorded by Mark DiAngelo 

Title: Rustle
About: Sound of close or similar rustling.
Uploaded: 08.24.09 | License: Attribution 3.0 | Recorded by Caroline Ford

Title: Slide Closed
About: Slide closed sound effect. great for drawer or other such sliding apparatus. 
Uploaded: 01.04.10 | License: Attribution 3.0 | Recorded by Mike Koenig 

Title: Gum Bubble Pop
About: All voicing for this common bubble gum trick. big thanks to sound explorer for another great sound.
Uploaded: 02.23.12 | License: Attribution 3.0 | Recorded by Sound Explorer

Title: Crackle
About: A nice crackle or crackling sound effect.
Uploaded: 09.01.09 | License: Attribution 3.0 | Recorded by Caroline Ford

Title: Hammering
About: Sound of a worker or carpenter hammering a nail into a plank of wood. the thump of the hammer can be heard reverberating through the 2x4.
Uploaded: 06.27.12 | License: Public Domain | Recorded by J Blow

Title: Bite
About: The sound of a monster bite or biting someone. great for those zombie games, or some cool sci fi monster scene. grrrr!
Uploaded: 09.03.09 | License: Attribution 3.0 | Recorded by Mike Koenig

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