Thursday 8 October 2015

"The Art of the Storyboard"

I have been most enthralled by John Harts "The art of the storyboard", what caught my attention was the storyboard extract from the pre-production of Alfred Hitchcock's "Psycho", one of the most famous scenes in movie history.

The storyboard brought to my attention that you never actually see the knife physically stab the woman. The shots are so cleverly executed, that your eyes fill in the worst part for you, which is the most interesting thing ! To visually communicate something so shocking, without actually showing it explicitly, is brilliant. Along with the music which intensifies the drama and absorbs your attention to the point where you can't take your eyes off. The shower in the shot is used for dramatic effects as it limits our vision as the audience and makes us frustrated as we strive desperately see clearly what is happening.

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