Sunday 25 October 2015

Pixilation Test

I staged a quick tester, just to see how I can achieve the flickery effect that I want. I moved the cereals bit by bit and tested how it looks when I take one 1 frame instead of twos.

I encountered an issue with the focus because my camera was above the image, gravity kept pulling my lens down out of focus, but I feel it kind of adds to the effect. Almost gives an old-fashioned appeal.

I elaborated on this test and did one with a lot more detail, experimenting between 2 shots and 1 shot for fast movements. The one shot effect here makes the cereals look more alive because of the fast wriggling movements. These tests have been a great insight into how much to move objects to get the effects I want, and how to experiment between 2 frames and 1 to vary in speeds.

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