Thursday 31 December 2015

Post Production Diary 3 - All things mouldy

To enhance the mouldy aspect of the rock that he picks up and inspects, I added a little dust effect after he pats and rubs the rock which I find quite effective.

I then wanted to test the effectiveness of adding a mouldy aura to the alien.

A mouldy aura that I made move and "come alive" as such, to highlight the presence of the rife bacteria around the rock;

This is my final render with this mouldy aura and I am not 100% happy with it, I think the mouldy aura is a bit too over the top and doesn't fit with the rest of the animations aesthetic. Also bacteria wouldn't move like that on the moon (even though I am not staying too true to the physics) I think its too much detail to fit into such a short scene time, it needs longer and I can't cut down my film any further without things not making sense. So I have decided to get rid of that.

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