Wednesday 2 December 2015

Set, Series, Sequence - Playing with glass.

Inspired by the artist Januz Miralles, who photographs through glass with water, ink and oil poured over the surface of the glass as the portrait is shot. I love the distorted texture it creates on the surface of the glass and felt I could elaborate on this to create a distorted effect like bad eyesight.

Here are some tests; 

I used slices of acetate, which I dropped a bit of watered-down ink mixed with PVA glue on. Then I put another slice of acetate ontop and squashed it together to create this distorted effect.

When you hold it up to the light, you can see little bubbles, specks of black ink dispersing, it is mesmerizing.

They resemble nebulas and look rather other-worldly.

I then placed my examples onto paper and drew frames round them like glasses;

A very quirky and arty response to my word, but I feel it well represents the distortion of loss of vision. When you look through the acetate itself you yourself get this feeling of distorted vision, which is very effective.

I further elaborated on this effect by using watercolour droplets and PVA glue rather than ink. To enhance this "holes in your vision" effect.

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