Friday 18 December 2015

Production Diary 12 - Looking down at alien

This is a scene that wasn't in my initial animatic, and later added in from feedback I received saying there needs to be a far away shot to show the height difference with the alien and astronaut. It only lasts for a second so there is not much animation of movement. For continuity I animated the astronaut putting this arms down from the "shock surrender" position he was in a couple of scenes back.

I made the keyframes for his arm movement and even added a follow-through arm wobble for realism.

Meanwhile, the alien remained static, so I experimented with a blink sequence;

When I added this onto my premiere file of all my scenes stitched together, it looked wrong to have another blink straight after he just blinks in the previous frame.

So instead I tested an eye twitch;

and to compare with the eye twitch I rendered the static eyes, with just a hand twitch;

After examining closely and asking people I came to the conclusion that just the hand twitch looks best. I like the staring aspect of the eyes which is ruined from the twitch.

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