Thursday 31 December 2015

Post-Production Diary 4 - Filters

Once I was happy with the adjustments in the actual animation I now wanted to test some adjustments in premiere that would act like a filter that would change the overall environment and aesthetic of my animation..

I first tested with colour saturations, editting the luminance and chrominance, seen as the only colour of my animation resides in the background, only the background changed and I was able to create quite cool cosmos effects;

I then played with the colour correction;

Giving me the ability to change the colours of my shadows, midtones and highlights.

I could create quite galactic looking effects;

I then tested some lighting effects.

I chose the direction of my light source to give my animation that extra lighting sheen and depth.

After playing around I became very interested in the 3- way colour corrector tool.

I created quite a blue midtone which created this cold environment.

When put with a yellow highlight a sepia , old fashioned tone started to emerge.

Then finally I ended up with this effect, It has a mouldy sheen to it enhancing the mouldy aspect of my animation with the alien. I also love the yellow and blue , a contrast in cold and warm tones that go together. The vintagy look could also be reflective of the first moon landing... an an answer as to why NASA never went back on the moon..

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