Sunday 13 December 2015

Production Diary 10 - Zoom Test

After observing the zoom sequence I thought It would look better if I moved the background to enhance the zooming in, so I did an initial test;

In this test the background zooms in also but at a slower pace, I like how it blurs too like it would do as it goes out of focus.

I then tested a zoom sequence of the background zooming out to create a wide angle shot zoom called the "Dolly Effect" as demonstrated first by Alfred Hitchcock. Which is especially hard to do within animation. I feel its effects weren't great because their wasn't much background to my character that could shrink and encapsulate the character with this effect, there is only a floor to work with and so it didn't work effectively.

So instead I tested zooming it at a slower pace than the character, in doing this the floor blurs which adds to the zoom and looks effective.

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