Wednesday 2 December 2015

The charcoal art of Hernan Marin

The charcoal art of Hernan Marnin is very similiar to that of my previously found artist John Batho, however Hernan Marin uses a hand-drawn medium in comparison to Batho's photography. Hernan uses charcoal on paper to conjure ghostly apparitions of the human form

However also unlike Batho, Marnins figures actually try make contact with us through the paper. In the piece above, the ghostly figures touch the transparent wall infront of them, like they are trying to reach us at the other side. This adds the disturbing element that they are trapped beings, or those that have passed over, slightly faded because of their passing or because of the translucency of the wall to the other side.

Anthony Gormley, one of my favourite contemporary conceptual artists has created a physical rendition of these works by Hernan Marin in one of his installations In the Hayward Gallery named "Blind Light"

Where spectators go inside a rectangular box where oscillating ultrasonic humidifiers create a dense vapour reducing the visibility inside, numbing your sense of sight, making you feel lost and enclosed in the sea of white. From the outside looking in it creates the illusion that you are disappearing, another interesting feature.

I would love to of experienced this installation, to have that vital sense numbed like that is amazing and the external effects are also beautiful.

The meaning I get from this is smog, and pollution. How we are purposely deciding to act blind to the pollution we create, Gormley exposes the pollution in this installation with the humidifiers, exposes the unseen.

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