Saturday 7 November 2015

Apply - Hand-drawn done!

Consisting of 100 frames in total, I have finally finished hand-drawing my animation. I am very happy with how it looks, the squash and stretch and easing in and out of the bounce scene is great, there is also some anticipation as he pulls the flower as the audience anticipate when its going to pop free, the follow through as he flower swings like a pendulum after the force of Butternut's pull is great and how he wobbles after jumping and pulling the flower. I also drew arcs to aid me with the bounce scene and also when he reaches down to the flower. I have employed many of the 12 principles in the making of this short 10 second animation and I am happy with how I have presented them effectively.

I am also happy with how I have completed this sort of task within the small time scale. I would love to now colour in my frames, now and add a background, so I scanned in my frames into photoshop to elaborate on them there.

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