Sunday 29 November 2015

Set Series Sequence - Playing with loss of sight

Inspired by the artist's John Batho and David Ryle and how they demonstrate "presence and absence" through their mediums.

I began to explore this idea as it relates to my experience with glasses, "loss of sight" and how things fade from your vision, which leads you to need glasses to fill in those holes.

I began to explore with different mediums that can get this "fading" effect too.

Charcoal, ink, sellotape.

I tested inks where I experimented with a corroding effect with water (which enhances the fading aspect, like its crumbling away) and watering it down bit by bit so the ink physically fades, and played with applying this to the human form, the thing we see the most of in our day to day lives;

I finally then created some finished productions as part of my 24 with these ideologies.

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