Tuesday 10 November 2015

The Other Side - of the moon

For "The Other Side" brief, I have become enthralled by the dark side of the moon, the other side we don't see, and all the conspiracy's surrounding it. Some say that there is an alien base there, which is why NASA have never gone back... 

This said alien base has been rumoured to be seen from Google Moon images.

It is interesting to note that the moons creation story remains a mystery, unlike the Earths "Big Bang" from this stems the theory that it has been created for alien intelligence, so they can monitor life on earth.

The fact that there is a side to the moon we can't see because of its "abnormal" and "unique" rotation cycle, is this a coincidence??? It is interesting to image that it is hidden for a reason..

What is on the other side of the moon?

The question that connotes that of mystery and the unknown. The side that faces the expanse of space, the endless darkness.

There has also ben reports of reputable astronauts commenting on extra terrestrial sights, from alien bases to UFO's. This would be an interesting aspect to play on with narrative. Also the fact that these creatures could live in the shadows, avoiding NASA probes, is another narrative feature. Reports say of aliens observing certain events on the moon, such as the moonwalk. 

I wanted to familiarize myself with the moon so I did some expressive observational sketches of its surface.

Identifying the depth of craters

Looking at its contours and rocky surface.

The images I drew from were from; "Full Moon" Light.M (1999). A book with such beautiful photography, it really exposed the beauty of the moon and just space in general, it is amazing to see, because it reaches beyond our own knowledge. Not only was this book full of moon photographs, but it was also images of the astronauts from the Apollo missions, showing their account on their amazing experience, visually.

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