Sunday 22 November 2015

Style Sheet/line Testing

Dark Green Moonling Style Sheet

Lighter Green Monline Style Sheet

For my upcoming crit I have produced 2 style sheets to show my peers so they can help decide which colour Moonling looks best... (even though the difference would be very little to them) but to me it matters greatly.

Moonling line test

After noticing that the Moonlings don't play a great part in my animation I decided to animate a short walk sequence of the moonling to show a bit of their characteristics. Their legs grow, bend, change shape and struggle to support the weight of the rock, dragging spindly arms behind him. Their movements are also very laboured, yet again showing the effort to support the rock and the effects of the lack of gravity on the moon.

I decided that my astronaut will have very mechanical movements, like astronauts tend to on the moon when cladded with so much clothing and apparatus. But it also intensifies this inhuman feel you get with my character as he has no facial features to connect with because of his helmet.

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