Monday 30 November 2015

Photography Induction Part 1 - Experimenting with Shutter Speed, ISO and Aperture.

When we got set the task of going and taking photos reflecting experimentation with shutter speed, I became most interested in creating a "zoom in" dizzy effect, which I achieved with the shutter speed slow, and I took a photo whilst zooming in fast on a middle focus point.

First experimentations:

When used looking down at my feet, it creates a dizzy, vertigo feeling when you look at it, like you as the spectator is falling down.

I then experimented with depth of field with piano keys;

I was very impressed with these shots, using the rule of 3rds to create effective compositions on focussing and blurring.

I then began to elaborate further with the zoom in slow shutter speed effect;

This gives the effect you are flying down the corridor.

I love this one because of the focus on the middle stair, which makes for a great composition and an effective image.

Vertigo effect on the stairs.

I love the white effect and over- exposure on the corridor, it actually adds to create a creative shot with the person as the focal point.

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