Tuesday 10 November 2015

Study Task 1 - Photoshop response

Our first study task was to make a ball bounce, change direction and then slowly roll to a halt. For my response I drew my own background, including two metal poles, to complicate the bounce sequence and give me a little challenge to overcome, to make the movement as realistically as possible. 

I firstly decided my ball was made of soft rubber. Because of this, I have exaggerated the squash and stretch dramatically, to create quite a cartoonish bounce for my rubber ball. I used a cartoonish "boing" sound effect to emphasise this aspect.

 My ball bounces in all directions quite erratically so I used pose to pose animation, where I drew out the key frames and included arcs to aid me further.

During this Study Task I learnt a new way to animate in Photoshop that doesn't include video layers. I used regular layers in a video timeline, this allowed me to use twos, and separated my frames out so I could move them around with ease and delete them, unlike if they are rendered solidly onto a video layer. This technique I will definitely use again in the future, I enjoyed its malleability.

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