Monday 2 November 2015

Apply - Testing testing

So I have begun animating my plant man. I am crafting it all using hand-drawn animation so it is very time-consuming for me. I firstly want to focus on getting the initial movements 100%, so I have sketched out my plant mans body in blue ( so I can edit and manipulate easily without rubbing out), and I have Dragon Framed it so I can observe the playback  of the full movement and see if It needs any adjustments and WHERE it would need them.

The flower picking sequence.

I am extremely happy with how fluid this test turned out to be. Considering the frame rate of 12FPS I was expecting a much more jittery movement, but I am thrilled with this unexpected result. However because of this unexpected fluidity, the plant mans wobble (as a reaction of the pull force to get the flower) is too exaggerated for how slow the movement is. So from this test, I have learnt to tame this down somewhat.

The Jump

I was also really happy with the jump sequence. My only niggle is how he doesn't squash so much., but then again I want him to keep his volume, he is not made of a water balloon, he is quite firm yet malleable at the same time so I feel it's best not to go into editting this as making him too squishy wouldn't look effective, as he is a being after-all.

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