Friday 13 November 2015

Initial Storyboard's - The Other Side

First narrative exploration

My first storyboard explores these moonling's hiding from human vision on the dark side of the moon. Then one day they are playing catch with the ball and one misses and the ball rolls into the light side. This is then seen by a little girl in a telescope. Later after storyboarding I had an even better narrative expansion.... By making the whole story looking like a scene from the girls telescope as she seeks out the moon, to her shock, she sees a ball slide across its surface from the dark side (but obviously the girl wont be able to see the aliens hiding on the dark side). This then makes a cute story, a story of discovery, a story of what is on the other side of the telescope as well as the dark side of the moon. It is also quite humorous.

Second narrative idea exploration

I also had an idea of a horror type situation, a thriller that heightens and heightens to a humorous end, as what is revealed to be haunting the astronaut is actually a pathetic harmless piece of stone. This idea stands out to me the most to develop further as I could play a lot with clever shot angles to create this thrilling sense, to grip the audience. After feedback I saw that my behind shots are most effective in portraying this thrilling element as the audience are put in the position as the pursuer, which is frustrating as we want to be the other side, telling the astronaut to LOOK BEHIND!!! I want to grip the audience in that way. So I will look and examine thriller shot angles, from games and films like Alien and Silent Hill for inspiration to create this perfect composition.

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