Sunday 22 November 2015

Creating Suspense Analysis 2 - Alfred Hitchcock

Hitchcock has directed and produced many top world renowned thriller films such as "psycho". Known also by the title "Master of suspense" as he has pioneered many suspense techniques in his psychological thrillers.

In this video I found it really fascinating and interesting finding out Hitchcock's theory of cinematic tension and its importance in making a thriller a thriller. How he "works" the audience into getting in a state of distress as they worry over their characters on screen and how their traumatic storyline will develop.

In the video, "the bomb" that Hitchcock describes is a metaphor for the big plot twist that will explode the audience into a frenzy. The bomb exploding unknowingly is a surprise, it gives the audience no relief or release.

With the addition of suspension, the audience "work" and get into the film to warn of disaster. This is what he aims for, and you can see evidence in this through his films.

I can incorporate this element into my animation, by not showing the alien and creating this suspense around it, I will "work" the audience into imagining the alien, feeling quite frightened about what it will look like, and then this suspense heightens and heightens till a complete flop as the alien is revealed to be pathetic and harmless, the opposite of what your imagination conjured of it, creating humour.

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